Wallu sorri wante
Li ko andi
SoppiAy at ci gannaaw, setluwoon nanu ci aduna bi yep mbas mu tudd "grippe". Mbass yi ci doomu jangoro yu bayeko ci gripp u mala lanu jogge gannaaw banu nekke ci jawu ji ci ay mala yu melni picc wala ay "mamifere" yu am infection.[1] Yennsaay doomu jangoro yu mala yi danuy soppeku nekk ay doomu jangoro yu nit gannaaw loolu walante am ci diggante nit ak nit. Infection "zoonotiques" lanu leen di woowe ndax ci mala lanu jogge. Wallu sorri wante nu gen ko xam ci sorri wante nit ak nit njariñam mooy mbass u gripp bu mel ni Korona du law torop.Sorri wante digaante nit ak nit mooy fexe baña jeggeyanto nit ku nek, nekk ci been weet bu dee dangeen di waxtan wala sax moytu dajalo ci yenn bereb yi di faral am mbolo say yo ko mene.[2] Jeff Kwong fajj kat bu xam xamam macc ci wallu jangoro yu nit di am gannaaw infection mungi nekk ci benn dara ju mag ju nekk ci Toronto neena sorriwante bi mooy li nit yi wara def ngir mena mucc ci jangoro ji wante du berr nit ki.[3] Nit yi sen xam xam macc ci wallu wergu yaram ci jamonoy mbass mi danu yokk di genna safonte ak seeni xarit wante itam ak seeni am di jam yi leen genna jegge. Pur xam najriñu sorriwante diggante nit ak nit, dañuy tambali wane benn natal u jangat mbass mi kangam yi ngank feebar yi di wallate ñoo ko amal. Ci natal bi jangatu mbassum Korona atum juni ak fukk juroom ñint jem ba ci atum ñaari juni ak ñaari fukk bi ñu nekk ni te jexagul. Dañuy tambali ak jangat yiñu amal ci reewum Chine bi nga xamantani foofu la mbas mi doore gannaaw loolu ñu xol naka la mbassum COVID-19 di lawee ci Afrique du Sud dafay tax bañu xam njariñu sorriwante diggante nit ak nit ci wallu fagaru ak itam ci naka lanu mene jamarlo ak mbassum COVID-19 mi ba du epp loxo. Dinañu jeexal gestu bii jem ci wallu mbass mi ak benn saytu pur wax naka lañu menna def pur mooytu jafejafe yu bon yi nit ki menna am ndax sorriwante bi am diggante nit ak nit wante itam naka lañu menna def pur jamarlo ak moom ba genn ci ak jamm.
Plang bunu rañee ci wallu mbass
SoppiMbas yu mel ni Korona dañuy faral di law ci ñeet anam. Anam yooyu moom lanu wane fii ci suuf. Fajj kat yi seen xam xam macc ci feebar yi di walle wane nañu fii ci suuf ñeeti pacc yi ñu jangat jem le ko ci mbass mi. Jangat bi li muy wane mooy benn natal u limu ñi am feebar yi di walle ak itam gaaw gi mu gaaw ci wallu wallate ci ay giir.
- Pacc bu njek bi mungi am ci njelben u jangat bi. Bunu jele ci missaal gaawayu walate mbass u COVID-19 bi, danuy giss ni mooy wane njelben u walate febaar bi te amagulwoon nit yu berri yu ko am.
- Pacc ñaarel bi, mungi jem ci wallu walante bi am ci dekkuwaay yi te xamulo ku la wall.[4] Ci jamono bi la wallante diggante nit ak nit di genna law ndax nit yu berri yi am doomu jangoro bi. Ci pacc bi danuy setlu ni nit yi am doomu jangoro bi danuy gen di yokk bess bu nekk te loolu dafay galankor liggey bi nu wara def pur xeex doomu jangoro bi.[5] Gannaaw ba kurel bi nu denk wallu wergu yaram ci aduna bi yep joxe ay ndogal pur bayi demalante digante rew ak rew ci aduna bi yep, njitu rew yi ci aduna bi yep jel nanu ndogal pur tej seeni rew rawatina rew yi genna am mbass mi tek ci itam wañi ndajee nit ci bereb yi di faral di am nit. Terelin yi rew u aduna bi yep tenk ci wallu wergu yaram, benn bankas la boo xamantani sen xam xam dafa macc ci wallu yoon ki ko soss mooy kurek gi tenk wallu wergu yaram ci aduna bi yep pur men soñ wante itam tek loxo ci feebar yi nga xam ni danuy faral di nekk ci bereb yi nt yi di daje lu berri laata ñuy law ci diggante rew yu aduna bi yep. Ci terlin yi bokk na ci wallu sorri wante bi diggante nit ak nit. Terelin yi seen njariñ mooy fexe ba doomu jangoro bi du wall yeneen nit. Natal bii ci suuf loolu lay wane.
- Pacc ñeetel bi ci wallu jangat ci mbass mi li muy wane mooy mbass mi ñungi koy men ci xeex bu baaxa baax te itam japp nanu ni dotul am walante yu bess lu jem ci doomu jangoro bi. Ci jangat setlu nanu ni lu jem ci wallu xeetu mass yu melni korona mbir u wallatem ci diggante nit ak nik la gënna gaawe ndax sunu jegeyanto. Ci kaw loolu japp nanu ni kon, sorriwante rek mooy tax nu mënna mucc ci doomu jangaro bi fexe ba du law.
Wallu sorriwante bi digaante nit ak nit.
SoppiSorriwante diggante nit ak nit benn xeetu doxalin la bu ñiy saytu wergu yaramu askan wi terel pur fexe ba nit yi am doomu jangoro bi baña jeflante ak nit yi dara jotul pur wañi bu baaxa bax wallante bi. Ay terlin yu am solo loolu ñoo ko lal ci missaal tejte dek dekan yi ak rew yi fexe ba mooytu bereb yi nga xamantani nit yi danu fay dem di daje. Terelin yu ni mel , njit u rew yi dekk yi ñoo menna jel ndogal yi . Ci missaal rew mu mel ni Afrique du Sud danuleen noot bu bax ngir nu menna jeffee ndogal yi nu jel ngir xeex jangoro bi mungi tambelewoon ci ñaari fukk fan ak juroom benn ci weer u Mars bi fukki waxtu ak ñaar jote ci guddi ba fukki fan ak juroom benn ci weer u Avril atum ñaari juni ak ñaari fukk ci fukki waxtu ak ñaar ci guddi gannaaw loolu ñu yokat ci fukki fan ak ñint. Ndogol yi ñingi tenku ci ay terelin yunu tenk ci ay mbind ci pacc ñaari fukk ak juroom ñaar ci ñaareli pacc bi jem ci wallu naka lanuy doxale jeeyo yi am ci aduna bi gannaw bañu ko tenke ci ay mbind yunu tenk ci pacc juroom ñeet te li waral li yepp du leen ludul fexe ba nit baña jeggewante[6].
Li leen rek la ci liñu jota tenk yepp gannaaw banu sukkandiko ci sart fukk ak benn bu reglemang bi :
- Fexe ba nit yi tog ci seeni ker yi, bi genn di am na fekk ni pur dem dox lu am farata lay done lu ci mel ni wallu dund walla dem liggey, liggey bu menul ñaak
- Fexe ba benn dajee du am ci bereb yi nit yi di dajee lu ci epp wante ñinga xam ni dañu am ku leen jegee ta ñaak bakanam , may nañu leen ñu dem denc seen neew ci seg ya wante duñu wessu juroom fukki nit
- Fexe ba dem ak dikk du am ci diggante dekk yi nekk ci benn reew bi.
- Fexe ba dem ak dikk du am ci diggante gox goxan yi ak dekk yu ndaw yi nekk wet gi
- Fexe ba bankaas yi di liggeey ci wally dund wala lepp lo xam ni menul ñaak ci sunu dund, di weyal seeni liggeey.
- Fexe ba bereb yi nga xam ni dañuy yengatu ci wallu dund ci missal jend ak jaay wala lep lo xamantani amal na njariñ askan wi di weyal seen liggeey ci kaw ñu fonk sorriwante yi nu wakh tol ci benn metar ci diggante jend kat yi ak jaay kat yi wante itam fonk terelin yi nu wax jem ci wallu set jem ci sunuy loxo wala jemtuwaay yi di yengatu ci wallu bergu yaram nit yi ci bereb yi nit yi di daje lepp rek ngir jem ci lu wañi mbass mi di Korona.
Terelin yi:
- Fexe ba ayee bep tukki ci gej gi walla jawu ji.
- Fexe ba ayee njayum sangara ak cigaret
- Fexe ba yamalee nit yi di dugg ci woto tukki kay yi.[7]
Itam terelin yi may nañu ñi ngank nguur gi gir ñu berr yenn nit yi.Matukay yi ñu jel ci wallu berr nit yi dafay tax ba nit yi ñu japp ni am nañu doomu jangoro ji wala ñu laale ak ku ko am ñu berr leen ci benn giir. Dafay tax ñu mena beddi nit yi am mbass mi ci nit yi ko amul.
Afrik du Sud- royuwaay ci wall wi.
SoppiTerelin yi ñu jel yepp tax na ba mbass mi di Korona lawam gaawul torop tek ci wañeku bu baax wante reewum Afrique du Sud ci adduna wengel kep ñoo jiitu ci wallum xeex mbass mi.[8] Waa Afrique du Sud toppuñu njangat bi am ci wallu mbass li jem ci mungi yek wall mungi wacc. Dañu jeggi ñaarelu pacc mbass mi ndaxte amuñuwoon yokkute ci mbass mi wante itam jankontewuñu ak wallante bu gaaw ci diggante nit ak nit ci benn gox. Xayma bi ñu def ci lim u ñinga xamantani amoon nañu doomu jangoro bi joggena ci ñint fukk ak ñaar ci xayma dem ci ñint ci xayma gannaaw bañu fonke ak jeffe terelin yooyu.[9] Li dafa wane ni wallante ci diggante nit ak nit ci benn gox dafa wañeku bu baaxa baax loolu moo tax ba limu ñi am mbass mi wañeku bu baaxa bax. Njitum rew ma, Cyril Ramaphosa dafa wax ak waa askanam ci jumtukay bu melni televisiong ci bessu juroom ñint fan ci weer u Avril atum ñaari juni at ak ñaari fukk pur wax ci matuwaay yi dekk ba jel munileen:
" Nangu ngeen bepp terelin buñu teggoon.Wante itam nangu ngeen bepp matuwaay buñuleen waxoon ngeen jel koci wall dem bi ak dikk bi ba ci sax xañ leen seen moomel ci bess bi."[10]
Fajj kat yi seen xam xam macc ci wallu feebar yi di walle neenañu mbass mi mungi fii ba tay wallante bi men na nekk ba tay. "Wante terelin yi nguur gi jel tax na ba wallante bi wañeku bu baaxa baax te loolu taxna ba ñu am jot bu baax pur jublu ci leneen".[11] Moo tax nak dinanu jemma xol nuñuy yolomale terelin yi ñu tenkoon.
Ci tenk
SoppiCOVID-19 feebar la bo xamantani werr na adduna bi yepp gannaaw banu xame ni nit yi ko njekka am ci dekk bu tudd Wuhan ci reewum Chine ci jextal u atum ñaari juni at ak fukk ak juroom ñint. Kangam u Chinois yi senn xam xam macc ci wallu wergu yaram xay ma nañu ñaari fanna yo xamantani men na tax ñu xeex jangoro bi rawatina wergu yaram u nit yi di nekk ci bereb yi di nit yi di dajee:
(1) Saytu ak fagaru ci mbass mi itam (2) amal ay gestu ci wallu xam xam ci wallu mbass mi. «[12] Kangamu Chinois yi ci wallu wergu yaram def nañu liggeey bu yemm manna ba tax ñu xam xeetu Coronavirus bi ba taxna bankas bi ngank wallu wergu yaram ci aduna bi fexe na ba ñu jakarlo ak mbass mi am ci atum ñaari juni at ak ñaari fukk jem ci wallu xeex ko. Wallu sorriwante bi diggante nit ak nit wane ni am na njariñ loolu ci li jem ci wallu xeex mbass mi com niko reewum Afrik du Sud defe.Kurel yi tenk wallu doxalinu mbass mi ak itam naka lañuy fagaro neenañu am na solo torop ñuy degante ak sunuy am di jamm, sunuy xarit, sunuy njabot, sunuy waa ker ndaxte men na nek ci telephon nuy wootante wala appel video ndaxte ñaak gissante ak nit ki nga begg yombul loolu te li ko waral du lenn ludul sorriwante bi. »[13]
Kangam yi di yengu ci wallu wergu yaram neenañu ñuy genna bayante xel ci jamono yi nga xamantani nit yi dañuy jaxaso loolu ndax ragal gannaaw ba mbass mi nekkee fepp ci aduna ndaxte nit ku nekk am na numuy dunde sunu tolo ci jamono yu mel ni ba taxna ku nekk war na di bayi xel moromom pur ñu menna jefflante ak jafejafe feebar u yumu menna juur.
Soppi- ↑ World Health Organization. Global Influenza Programme. Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response. Available at: https://www.who.int/influenza/resources/documents/pandemic_guidance_04_2009/en
- ↑ Centers for Disease Control. Keep your distance to slow the spread. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/social-distancing.html
- ↑ Pearce Katir. What is social distancing and how can it dliw the spread of COVID-19? 13 March 2020. The Hub. Johns Hopkins University. https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/03/13/what-is-social-distancing. Accessed on 12 April 2020
- ↑ Wiles S. The three phases of Covid-19 and how we can make it manageable. TheSpinoff. Available at: https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/09-03-2020/the-three-phases-of-covid-19-and-how-we-can-make-it-manageable. Accessed on 10 April 2020
- ↑ See: https://www.who.int/ihr/publications/9789241580496/en
- ↑ Republic of South Africa. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002. Available at: https://www.gov.za/documents/disaster-management-act
- ↑ Republic of South Africa. Government Gazette No. 11062. 25 March 2020. Available at: https://www.greengazette.co.za/documents/regulation-gazette-4138-of-25-march-2020-vol-657-no-11062_20200325_GGR-43148
- ↑ Hollington M and Bennet M. South Africa's world-class fight against COVID-19:The data tells the story. Coronavirus Op-Ed. Daily Maverick. Available at :https://www.eailymaverick.co.za/article/20020
- ↑ National Department of Health. Press release, 15 April 2020. Available st: https://sacoronavirus.co.za/category/press-releases-and-notices.+Accessed+on+16+April+2020
- ↑ South African Government. President Cyril Ramaphosa: Extension of Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown to the end of April. Available at: https://www.gov.za/speeches/president-cyril-ramaphosa-extension-coronavirus-covid-19-lockdown-end-april-9-apr-2020-0000. Accessed on 16 April 2020
- ↑ Professor S. Karim. South Africa's Covid-19 epidemic: Trends and next steps. Presentation by the Chairperson of the Ministerial Advisory Group on Covid-19 prepared for the Minister of Health , Dr. Zweli Mkhize. Available at: https://sacaronavirus.co.za/2020/04/13/sas-covid-19-epidemic-trends-next-steps/. Accessed on 15 April 2020.
- ↑ Wang Jian-Wei, Cao Bin and Wang Chen. Science in the fight against the novel coronavirus disease. China Medical Journal: 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) collection. Available at: https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/2337/. Accessed on 11 April 2020.
- ↑ Centers for Disease Control. Keep your distance to slow the spread. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/social-distancing.html. Accessed on 16 April 2020.