Yéenekaay yépp
Wone gees boole gu mbooleem yéenekaayu Wikipedia. Man ngaa wàññi wone gi soo tànnee ab yéenekaay, turu jëfandikukat, walla xët wu mu laal (ñaar ñépp dañuy yëg tolluwaayu mbind mi) .
- 26 Fewriyee 2020 à 03:24 Jaipurfoott waxtaan cëru a créé la page Jëfandikukat:Jaipurfoott (It has its headquarters at Jaipur, India. It is a pan-Indian organisation having 23 branches, spanning Srinagar to Chennai and Ahmedabad to Guwahati. Metropolitan cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Varanasi, Patna, etc also have limb fitment centres of BMVSS.)
- 26 Fewriyee 2020 à 03:09 Le compte de l’utilisateur Jaipurfoott waxtaan cëru a été créé automatiquement