réyal nataal bi((4 197 × 5 596 pixels, réyaayu file bi : 11,5 Mio, type MIME : image/jpeg))
Dencukaay bii Wikimedia Commons la bàyyikoo te man nañu koo jëfandikoo ci yeneen sémb.
Faramfacce gi ci xëtu faramfaccewaayu xët wi lañuy wone ci suuf .
FaramfacceIdris Elba-5272.jpg
English: Actor and director Idris Elba at the Berlinale 2018
Deutsch: Der Schauspieler und Regisseur Idris Elba bei der Berlinale 2018
For taking this photo and licensing it under a free licence a (press) accreditation was required. The photographer had a valid accreditation and has sent it to the email response team, it has been archived in the VRTS system. Users with VRTS account can access it here.
Please be aware that (press) accreditations are a permission to generally take photos only and do not make any statement about the copyright status of this photo!
Moomale – Fàww nga joxe ay xibaar yu leer ñeel boroom, joxe ab lëkkalekaay buy jëme ci sañal gi te wax ndax def nga ciy coppite. Man nga koo def ci anam yu bari, ba mu des ci guy wund ne aji-moom ji dafa ànd ak yaw walla ànd na ci ninga koy jëfandikoo)
Bii dencukaay dafa ami xibaar yees ci yokk, xéj-na nataalukaay bu waaraame walla waaraamalekaay bees jëfandikoo moo leen ci yokk. Su fekkee soppees na xar-kanamu dencukaay bi, yenn ci fàramfacce ñeel ko manees nañoo bañ a dëppook li am.
Titre de l’image
@IdrisElba at the Berlinale 2018
Date et heure de génération des données
22 Fewriyee 2018 à 18:51
Résolution horizontale
609 pt/po
Résolution verticale
609 pt/po
Logiciel utilisé
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 7.0 (Windows)
Date de modification du fichier
11 Awril 2018 à 10:32
Version d’EXIF
Date et heure de la numérisation
22 Fewriyee 2018 à 18:51
Fractions de secondes de l’horodatage de la prise de vue originale
Fractions de secondes de l’horodatage de la numérisation