Dencukaay:Carrow Road - fans holding yellow or green fliers.jpg

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Carrow Road, the home ground of Norwich City F.C.. View of the River End, of fans holding yellow and green fliers distributed by the local Evening News. The old South Stand can be seen on the left.

Anami Jëfandikoo gi

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  • Moomale – Fàww nga joxe ay xibaar yu leer ñeel boroom, joxe ab lëkkalekaay buy jëme ci sañal gi te wax ndax def nga ciy coppite. Man nga koo def ci anam yu bari, ba mu des ci guy wund ne aji-moom ji dafa ànd ak yaw walla ànd na ci ninga koy jëfandikoo)
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dépeint Farañse

Carrow Road Farañse

type MIME Farañse



98 304 octet

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960 pixel

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1 280 pixel

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Taariix ak WaxtuTuutalDayooJëfandikukatSaraa
teew28 Maars 2007 à 11:01Tuutal gu sumb bu 28 Maars 2007 à 11:011 280 × 960 (96 kio)DwellerCarrow Road, the home ground of Norwich City F.C.. View of the River End, of fans holding yellow and green fliers distributed by the local ''Evening News''.

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